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Icom's Blog – April 2016 Archive (4)

Barbados Crop Over {Rihanna Parties With Lewis Hamilton}

Festival history

The Crop Over summer festival is Barbados' most popular and colourful festival. Its origins can be traced back to the 1780's, a time when Barbados was the world's largest producer of sugar.

At the end of the sugar season, there was always a huge celebration to mark the culmination of another successful sugar cane harvest -…


Added by Icom on April 27, 2016 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Caribana (Toronto Carnival)

The 48th annual Caribana Toronto Festival is just around the corner and hundreds of Caribbean inspired events, classes and parties have been planned to mark to this year's festival. Toronto's Caribbean Caribana festival has grown exponentially since its start in 1967 and is currently North America’s largest cultural festival. What was once a three-day event has now grown into three weeks of celebration, absorbing most of the city with its…


Added by Icom on April 26, 2016 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Notting Hill Carnival 2016 (London)

Europe’s biggest street festival, Notting Hill Carnival 2016 is a vivid spectacle representing London's multicultural past and present. 

When is Notting Hill Carnival?

Carnival takes place on Sunday August 28 until Monday August 29, 2016. 

Where does Notting Hill Carnival take place?

The Carnival…


Added by Icom on April 22, 2016 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Berlin Carnival May 2016

berli kdk yard float

For four days around Pentecost, Berlin celebrates its cultural diversity at the Carnival of Cultures. The festival culminates in a colourful street parade with music and dance on Pentecost Sunday.

Carnival of Cultures…

Added by Icom on April 14, 2016 at 3:30pm — No Comments

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